Wednesday, 7 September 2016


Introduction to MATLAB

MATLAB, which stands for MATrix LABoratory, is a mathematical software, which is used extensively in both academia and industry. 

It is an interactive program for numerical computation and data visualization.

I think MALTAB is very essential tool for every Engineer and Reseacher for doing their research and scientific computation like image processing, data curve fitting etc.

And not only for these , you can also use MALAB for Finance, Biomatric(finger print recognition) and speech recognition, live signal analysis and much more.

MATLAB is both computer programming language and software environment for using that language effectively. 

MATLAB is matrix-oriented, so what would take several statements in C or Fortran can usually be accomplished in just a few lines using MATLAB's built-in matrix and vector operations

So in MATLAB you do not required to write any program, simply type command which you want to see.

MATLAB is available for MS Windows, Macintosh personal computer, Unix and other operating systems.
It is also available for Android mobile. Go to play store and search for matlab mobile.

MATLAB includes hundreds of functions for:
         Data analysis and visualization,
         Numeric and symbolic computation,
         Engineering and Scientific graphics,
         Modeling, simulation, and prototyping,
         Eigenvalue, singular value

  MATLAB works with scalars, vectors and matrices:
         Basic matrix operations,
         Inverses of matrices,
         Graphs of matrices,
         Matrix manipulation,
         Programming, application development, and GUI design 

MATLAB has remarkable graphics capacities:
         2-D and 3-D plots,
         Line plotting,
         3-D surface plot,
         Splash screen plot

MATLAB has remarkable graphics capacities, 3_D plots are some of them:
         3-D plots in Handel Graphics
         Plot Type,

MATLAB has many toolboxes:
         Control toolbox is one of the important toolbox in MATLAB.
         RLC Circuit Response,
         Gain and Phase Margins,
         Notch Filter Discrete,
         Signal Processing toolbox is one of the important toolobx in MATLAB.
         Designing Filter,
         Filtering a Signal,
         Discrete and Continuous Fourier Transform,
         Spectral Analysis and ... 


  • Simulink has the ability to simulate a large range of systems, from verysimple to extraordinarily complex. The Model and demonstrations that you will see in this section include both simple and complex systems.
  • Used to model, analyze and simulate dynamic systems using block diagrams.Fully integrated with MATLAB , easy and fast to learn and flexible. 
  • It has comprehensive block library which can be used to simulate linear, non–linear or discrete systems – excellent research tools.  
  • C codes can be generated from Simulink models for embedded applications and rapid prototyping of control systems.

here is the example of simulink model of equation..

Simulink has the ability to simulate a large range of systems, in the menu of Simulation we have:
         Simulation Parameters,




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