
Solving Basic Algebraic Equations in MATLAB
The solve function is used for solving algebraic equations. In its simplest form, the solve function
takes the equation enclosed in quotes as an argument.

For example, let us solve for x in the equation x-5 = 0

MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following result −
ans =

You can also call the solve function as −
y = solve('x-5 = 0')
MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following result −
y =
You may even not include the right hand side of the equation −
MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following result −
ans =
If the equation involves multiple symbols, then MATLAB by default assumes that you are solving for
x, however, the solve function has another form −
solve(equation, variable)
where, you can also mention the variable.
For example, let us solve the equation v – u – 3t2 = 0, for v. In this case, we should write −
solve('v-u-3* t^2=0', 'v')
MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following result −
ans =
3* t^2 + u
Solving Basic Algebraic Equations in Octave
The roots function is used for solving algebraic equations in Octave and you can write above
examples as follows:
For example, let us solve for x in the equation x-5 = 0
roots([1, -5])
Octave will execute the above statement and return the following result −
ans = 5
You can also call the solve function as −
y = roots([1, -5])
Octave will execute the above statement and return the following result −
y = 5
Solving Quadratic Equations in MATLAB
The solve function can also solve higher order equations. It is often used to solve quadratic
equations. The function returns the roots of the equation in an array.
The following example solves the quadratic equation x2 -7x +12 = 0. Create a script file and type
the following code −
eq = 'x^2 -7* x + 12 = 0';
s = solve(eq);
disp('The first root is: '), disp(s(1));
disp('The second root is: '), disp(s(2));
When you run the file, it displays the following result −
The first root is:
The second root is:
Solving Quadratic Equations in Octave
The following example solves the quadratic equation x2 -7x +12 = 0 in Octave. Create a script file
and type the following code −
s = roots([1, -7, 12]);
disp('The first root is: '), disp(s(1));
disp('The second root is: '), disp(s(2));
When you run the file, it displays the following result −
The first root is:
The second root is:
Solving Higher Order Equations in MATLAB
The solve function can also solve higher order equations. For example, let us solve a cubic
equation as (x-3)2(x-7) = 0
solve('(x-3)^2* (x-7)=0')
MATLAB will execute the above statement and return the following result −
ans =
In case of higher order equations, roots are long containing many terms. You can get the
numerical value of such roots by converting them to double. The following example solves the
fourth order equation x4 − 7x3 + 3x2 − 5x + 9 = 0.
Create a script file and type the following code −
eq = 'x^4 - 7* x^3 + 3* x^2 - 5* x + 9 = 0';
s = solve(eq);
disp('The first root is: '), disp(s(1));
disp('The second root is: '), disp(s(2));
disp('The third root is: '), disp(s(3));
disp('The fourth root is: '), disp(s(4));
% converting the roots to double type
disp('Num eric value of first root'), disp(double(s(1)));
disp('Num eric value of second root'), disp(double(s(2)));
disp('Num eric value of third root'), disp(double(s(3)));
disp('Num eric value of fourth root'), disp(double(s(4)));
When you run the file, it returns the following result −
The first root is:
The second root is:
The third root is:
- 0.34508839784665403032666523448675 - 1.0778362954630176596831109269793* i
The fourth root is:
- 0.34508839784665403032666523448675 + 1.0778362954630176596831109269793* i
Num eric value of first root
Num eric value of second root
Num eric value of third root
-0.3451 - 1.0778i
Num eric value of fourth root
-0.3451 + 1.0778i
Please note that the last two roots are complex numbers.
Solving Higher Order Equations in Octave
The following example solves the fourth order equation x4 − 7x3 + 3x2 − 5x + 9 = 0.
Create a script file and type the following code −
v = [1, -7, 3, -5, 9];
s = roots(v);
% converting the roots to double type
disp('Num eric value of first root'), disp(double(s(1)));
disp('Num eric value of second root'), disp(double(s(2)));
disp('Num eric value of third root'), disp(double(s(3)));
disp('Num eric value of fourth root'), disp(double(s(4)));
When you run the file, it returns the following result −
Num eric value of first root
Num eric value of second root
-0.34509 + 1.07784i
Num eric value of third root
-0.34509 - 1.07784i
Num eric value of fourth root
Solving System of Equations in MATLAB
The solve function can also be used to generate solutions of systems of equations involving more
than one variables. Let us take up a simple example to demonstrate this use.
Let us solve the equations −
5x + 9y = 5
3x – 6y = 4
Create a script file and type the following code −
s = solve('5* x + 9* y = 5','3* x - 6* y = 4');
When you run the file, it displays the following result −
ans =
ans =
In same way, you can solve larger linear systems. Consider the following set of equations −
x + 3y -2z = 5
3x + 5y + 6z = 7
2x + 4y + 3z = 8
Solving System of Equations in Octave
We have a little different approach to solve a system of 'n' linear equations in 'n' unknowns. Let us
take up a simple example to demonstrate this use.
Let us solve the equations −
5x + 9y = 5
3x – 6y = 4
Such a system of linear equations can be written as the single matrix equation Ax = b, where A is
the coefficient matrix, b is the column vector containing the right-hand side of the linear equations
and x is the column vector representing the solution as shown in the below program −
Create a script file and type the following code −
A = [5, 9; 3, -6];
b = [5;4];
A \ b
When you run the file, it displays the following result −
ans =
In same way, you can solve larger linear systems as given below −
x + 3y -2z = 5
3x + 5y + 6z = 7
2x + 4y + 3z = 8
Expanding and Collecting Equations in MATLAB
The expand and the collect function expands and collects an equation respectively. The following
example demonstrates the concepts −
When you work with many symbolic functions, you should declare that your variables are symbolic.
Create a script file and type the following code −
sym s x %sym bolic variable x
sym s y %sym bolic variable x
% expanding equations
expand((x-5)* (x+9))
expand((x+2)* (x-3)* (x-5)* (x+7))
expand(sin(2* x))
% collecting equations
collect(x^3 * (x-7))
collect(x^4* (x-3)* (x-5))
When you run the file, it displays the following result −
ans =
x^2 + 4* x - 45
ans =
x^4 + x^3 - 43* x^2 + 23* x + 210
ans =
2* cos(x)* sin(x)
ans =
cos(x)* cos(y) - sin(x)* sin(y)
ans =
x^4 - 7* x^3
ans =
x^6 - 8* x^5 + 15* x^4
Expanding and Collecting Equations in Octave
You need to have symbolic package, which provides expand and the collect function to expand
and collect an equation, respectively. The following example demonstrates the concepts −
When you work with many symbolic functions, you should declare that your variables are symbolic
but Octave has different approach to define symbolic variables. Notice the use of Sin and Cos,
which are also defined in symbolic package.
Create a script file and type the following code −
% first of all load the package, m ake sure its installed.
pkg load sym bolic
% m ake sym bols m odule available
sym bols
% define sym bolic variables
x = sym ('x');
y = sym ('y');
z = sym ('z');
% expanding equations
expand((x-5)* (x+9))
expand((x+2)* (x-3)* (x-5)* (x+7))
expand(Sin(2* x))
% collecting equations
collect(x^3 * (x-7), z)
collect(x^4* (x-3)* (x-5), z)
When you run the file, it displays the following result −
ans =
-45.0+x^2+(4.0)* x
ans =
210.0+x^4-(43.0)* x^2+x^3+(23.0)* x
ans =
sin((2.0)* x)
ans =
ans =
x^(3.0)* (-7.0+x)
ans =
(-3.0+x)* x^(4.0)* (-5.0+x)
Factorization and Simplification of Algebraic Expressions
The factor function factorizes an expression and the simplify function simplifies an expression.
The following example demonstrates the concept −
Create a script file and type the following code −
sym s x
sym s y
factor(x^3 - y^3)
sim plify((x^4-16)/(x^2-4))
When you run the file, it displays the following result −
ans =
(x - y)* (x^2 + x* y + y^2)
ans =
[ (x - y)* (x + y), (x + y)* (x^2 - x* y + y^2)]
ans =
x^2 + 4

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