•Matlab is optimised for operating on
are matrices!
useful built-in functions in the Matlab Image Processing Toolbox
easy to write your own image processing functions.
Here we can read,write and show the
image by following commands..
1. I=imread(‘images.jpg’) :
imread Read image from graphics file.
A = imread(FILENAME,FMT{.jpg,.png,.tift,.gif})
reads a grayscale or color image from the file specified by the string FILENAME.
If the file is not in the current directory, or in a directory on the MATLAB
path, specify the full pathname.
The return value A is an
array containing the image data. If the file contains a grayscale image, A is
an M-by-N array.
If the file contains a
truecolor image, A is an M-by-N-by-3 array. For TIFF files containing color
images that use the CMYK color space, A is an M-by-N-by-4 array.
2. Imwrite(I,filename,format): imwrite Write image to graphics file.
imwrite(A,FILENAME,FMT) writes the image A
to the file specified by
FILENAME in the format specified by FMT.
It converts the other format
of pic into other format, like convert jpg into png.
3. Imshow():imshow
Display image in Handle Graphics figure.
imshow(I) displays the grayscale image I.
imshow(I,[LOW HIGH]) displays the grayscale
image I, specifying the display range for I in [LOW HIGH]. The value LOW (and
any value less than LOW)
displays as black, the value HIGH (and any
value greater than HIGH) displays as white. Values in between are displayed as
intermediate shades of gray,using the default number of gray levels.
imshow(I,[]) displays the grayscale image I
scaling the display based
on the range of pixel values in I. imshow
uses [min(I(:)) max(I(:))] as
display range, that is, the minimum value in I is displayed as
black, and the maximum value is displayed
as white.
imshow(RGB) displays the truecolor image
imshow(BW) displays the binary image BW.
imshow displays pixels with the
value 0 (zero) as black and pixels with the
value 1 as white.
imshow(X,MAP) displays the indexed image X
with the colormap MAP.
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